Alexa Gelles

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The Stronger Together
Counselling Blog

Counselling Information & Relationship Education, Resources, Guidance, and Tools For Individuals & Couples.

Let’s grow your relationships stronger together.

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5 Tips to Fight Fair With Your Partner

Every couple experiences disagreements—it’s a natural and even healthy part of any relationship. However, what truly matters is how you approach those conflicts. The key is to fight fair. Fighting fair means engaging in difficult conversations where both partners can express themselves openly, without fear of things spiralling out of control. Here are five practical […]

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The Counsellor Behind The Blog
Hey, I’m Alexa! I’m a Registered Clinical Counsellor based in Vancouver, B.C. I’ve curated this blog specifically for you to answer your most pressing questions about counselling and building healthy relationships.

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This blog is about how anxiety can affect relationships and how to deal with it. We’ll talk about how anxiety can make it hard to trust and connect with your partner, especially in the early stages of a relationship. I’ll also share practical tips for better communication and support! 1. How Anxiety Affects Long-Term Relationships […]

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In the whirlwind of life, building a strong and lasting relationship can be the anchor that keeps us steady through ups and downs. Unfortunately, many of us aren’t equipped with the necessary skills to navigate the complexities of relationships, leading to a high divorce rate. But fear not, as this blog is here to guide […]

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When people first fall in love, everything feels magical and perfect. That is until the honeymoon stage ends and couples move onto the next stages of the relationship, which can be more challenging. Relationships evolve over time, moving through different stages. Understanding these stages can help couples build a lasting, loving relationship. 1. The Honeymoon […]

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The Trauma Therapy Group is offers trauma therapy for women seeking to reclaim a felt sense of safety and offers in-person in Vancouver, BC and online across Canada. The Trauma Therapy Group provides trauma therapy to help women reclaim a sense of safety. They offer in-person therapy in Vancouver, BC, and online across Canada. Now […]

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When we’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed, it’s important to have self-soothing techniques at our disposal to help us find calm and tranquility. These simple yet effective methods can bring peace and restore balance to our minds and bodies. Here are some of the best self-soothing techniques you can try: 1. Deep Breathing: Inhale deeply through […]

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Navigating relationship challenges can be daunting, especially when your partner isn’t open to seeking support. It’s natural to feel frustrated and isolated in such situations. However, it’s important to approach this matter with empathy and understanding to increase the chances of getting them on board. Reasons Your Partner Might Be Resistant: 1. Past Negative Experiences: […]

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In our journey through life, we inevitably encounter moments that leave a lasting impact on our emotional well-being. Whether it’s a traumatic event or a persistent emotional distress, these experiences can weigh us down and hinder our ability to move forward. But what if there was a way to tap into our brain’s innate ability […]

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Every couple experiences disagreements—it’s a natural and even healthy part of any relationship. However, what truly matters is how you approach those conflicts. The key is to fight fair. Fighting fair means engaging in difficult conversations where both partners can express themselves openly, without fear of things spiralling out of control. Here are five practical […]

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Why Do Timeouts Matter? Timeouts are crucial because they prevent conversations from escalating into regretful words and actions. When we’re caught up in the heat of the moment, it becomes challenging to communicate effectively. By taking a break, you can come back to the conversation with a refreshed perspective, improved emotional state, and a greater […]

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Q's to Map Out Your

💛 Clarify your ideal vision for your relationship to make it a reality.
💛 Address important topics directly to find common ground.
💛 Get aligned on big picture items, like starting a family, to feel ready and excited for the next steps.

This complete checklist will help you start mapping out your real-life fairytale relationship so you can...

    real-life fairytale relationship

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