Alexa Gelles

Relationship Anxiety and Building Trust

Questions to Ask Yourself When Wanting Reassurance from Your Partner

September 11, 2024

The Counsellor Behind The Blog
Hey, I’m Alexa! I’m a Registered Clinical Counsellor based in Vancouver, B.C. I’ve curated this blog specifically for you to answer your most pressing questions about counselling and building healthy relationships.

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We’ve all been there—those moments when you’re feeling a little unsure and find yourself craving reassurance from your partner. It’s completely normal to want that extra bit of comfort, but it’s also important to dig a little deeper and understand where these feelings are coming from. By asking yourself a few simple questions, you can navigate this in a way that’s healthy and productive for both you and your relationship.

1. Am I Feeling Insecure About Something Specific, or Is This a General Feeling?

First things first, try to figure out what’s really bothering you. Is there something specific that’s making you feel uneasy, or is it more of a general sense of insecurity? If it’s something specific, like a recent disagreement or a change in your routine, that’s a clue on what you might need to address. But if it’s more of a general feeling, it might be worth considering if there are other factors at play—like past experiences or deeper emotional patterns—that could be influencing your current mood.

2. Have I Communicated My Needs and Feelings Clearly to My Partner?

Now, think about whether you’ve actually shared what’s on your mind with your partner. It’s easy to assume they should just “know” what we’re feeling, but relationships work best when both people are on the same page. Have you told them what you’re feeling and why? Sometimes, simply opening up and saying, “Hey, I’ve been feeling a bit off lately and could use some extra support,” can make a world of difference.

3. Am I Seeking Reassurance from My Partner, or Am I Looking for Validation?

Finally, it’s helpful to ask yourself if what you’re looking for is really reassurance or if it’s more about validation. Reassurance is about feeling secure in your relationship, while validation is often tied to self-worth. If it’s validation you’re after, it might be worth exploring how you can build your own sense of confidence and self-esteem, so you’re not relying solely on your partner for that boost.

Taking a moment to ask yourself these questions can give you a clearer understanding of your feelings and help you communicate more effectively with your partner. It’s all about finding that balance between getting the support you need and maintaining a healthy, strong connection.

It’s totally normal, but you don’t have to navigate it alone. My relationship counselling services are here to help you work through those challenges, strengthen your self-esteem, and build a more confident connection with your partner.

Check out my relationship counselling page to see how we can start making positive changes together!

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